Friday, April 08, 2005

I LUST Vin Diesel!

I have been missing Vin Diesel badly since he disappeared from the big screen after his last movie "The Chronicles of Riddick". Now, with "The Pacifier" showing in cinemas, I have just gotten my fill of his sexy toned body and deep sexy voice... *flutters eyelids*

If you think that having Vin Diesel star as Lieutenant Shane Wolf who temps as a babysitter in the film is highly disturbing, you are half right. To see someone of his build doing the "Peter Panda Dance" to coax a little boy to sleep is highly unsexy. But in another point of view, very paternal and family man style. Two sides of a man. So sweet...

Watch the movie!! It's funny and highly entertaining. The Plummer children are all so adorable! Especially the two younger boys in the family and Lulu, the cheeky girl who has the hots for Shane and questions about his "boobs".

In order to feed my Vin Diesel lust further, come Saturday, I am going to get Hubs to buy a pair of cargo pants and a tight white V-neck cotton tee. Yummy!! =p