Thursday, March 31, 2005

Hooray for WWW technology!!

Blogger's up!! Yay!! Now I can resume using "Verdana" as my standard blogging font!!

Call me slow, but I just realised that Friendster is hosting blogs by TypePad!! And you can choose to sign up for their FREE accounts!! Well, ad-supported of course. I'm almost tempted to get it, but I guess I'm quite happy here with Blogger. (With the exception of the recent spate of frequent fuck-ups...)

Courtesy of Lil, I was listening to "Bizarre Love Triangle" and chanced upon this version by New Order. It sounded straight up 80's and hubby and I just had to derive a term for it. "Reno". Retro + Techno.

For those who had the time to catch the big screen animation "Robots", a character called Fender delivered the most unforgettable line. "He's playing a fusion of Jazz and Funk. It's called Junk." *lol*

My brother keeps repeating this line everyday, so it's quite stuck in my head.

In the likes of words like "brunch", "weblogs" and XX's famous "blogders", hubby and I have come up with a few more utterly hilarious combo-words:

personal + lube = pube
hot + babe = habe / hobe
2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner = shamditioner
stinky + cigarettes = stinkgarettes
single + hunk = sunk
lunch + dinner = lunchner / dinch
love + lust = lost (*lol* I thought this is quite true!)

Think of some, people, and let's post it up!!

Meanwhile, hubs coughed up an idea of starting a new trend of pics featuring bloggers' middle fingers in Flickr, following the highly successful "Sexyblogger" meme started by mrbrown and Mr Miyagi. Anyone up for it??

Thanks to mrbrown for "browning" me in one of his posts... I must say, is "hot damn" really the right phrase to describe me? Or is there some blogger secret in those two words that I don't understand??