Monday, November 21, 2005

mother-in-law issues

She doesn't like me. But not to worry, I don't like her either.

She's a obstinate mule in her ways and thinking and tries to raise us in such a patriarchal manner when in actual fact, she's the one who pulls the strings. Asking her husband for his opinion is only an act. Because whenever we ask him for his approval on anything, he would always say: "Go ask your mum."

She's like a traditional mum trying to break free but not daring to do it with too much angst lest she gets labelled as "misbehaving". Thus when it comes to me, my non-conforming ways that make Hubs go crazy for me, tortures his mother and results in her "losing face". Yet as a "loving" mother, she can't say anything to aggravate her daughter-in-law, so the only thing she does is to say it to EVERYBODY ELSE in the whole frickin' family tree.

So now nobody in the family tree likes me. Especially all the elders. Thankfully, the young families and couples in OUR generation, who feel as disagreeable about their parents' idea of the perfect family as we do, stand on the same side as us. And the grandchildren of these strictly traditional last generation family heads? They don't know any better, so I guess that's why they still like to play with us even though we've both got multiple piercings and obviously don't fit into the mould that our elders want us to fit into.

I am not just a wife, and my husband doesn't want me to be just a wife. I am to be his friend, lover, partner, wife, baby bearer, clothes washer, chef and any other role that he may want me to play. But the one thing he will never want me to be, and that I will NEVER ever be, is to be a submissive woman who tags behind him and conforms to all the regulations the world is going to impose on me. I will never be someone whom I'm not, and then end up having years of trauma piled on me, resulting in depression at an old age. THAT would be very sad indeed.