Thursday, November 17, 2005

numbers and more numbers

The past few days have been spent looking and re-looking at numbers. The costs of having our own place, sums of all the money we've spent so far, the amount that we'll need as time goes by. All the numbers are giving me unrested sleep at night.

Thankfully, I am glad to say that we are able to keep the whole renovation affair under $30K. That being inclusive of all the furnishings and miscellaneous as well.

More calculations of monthly expenses, in the event that I get fired from my employment. Numbers, numbers, numbers. But I am proud to say that once Hubby gets over his 3 months' probation and gets a pay raise, I can comfortably stay home and cultivate my growing belly. Having me as a housewife is not impossible as well. We just have to cut down all additional luxuries (internet and SCV not inclusive) and live simply, which isn't all that bad at all. Simplicity is always good.

Not to mention that having little extra money to spare means that we would be unable to spoil our child, which in the long run means our child grows up more balanced as well. The last thing I want is for my child to be as spoilt as my brother. That kid gets everything he ever wants. *bleah* That used to make me so jealous when I was younger.

So now with all the sums done, all that's left to do is to call the respective furniture stores and arrange for them to deliver my furniture between 5th to 10th of December. We should be comfortably settled in by the 3rd week of December!