Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Why is it that everytime I leave a comment through Haloscan it says that I am on some "OPM blacklist"?

I have secured my IP and removed my banned IP. So now all I have to do is wait a couple of hours for the un-banning to be processed. This sucks.

So here replying Karthy (Kat), I am glad that what I wrote has inspired you to face up and take charge of your love life. Always know that nothing is easy in life. If it doesn't go exactly as planned, pluck up courage and go again. Should you want someone to talk to, I'm always here. =) You can email me for privacy.

The purpose of heartaches are so that when your heart flutters with joy,
you can look back and know you've come a long way.
Only when that happens, will you cherish what you have at the moment.