Saturday, May 07, 2005

to "feel" pregnancy

Thank you all for the congratulations and excitement over my developing foetus. Don't get too excited about it, because it'll be months later before I'll start walking around with a bump for a stomach. Unless I grow fat from all the eating... For the curious, here are a few things that I'm experiencing as a 6 weeks pregnant new mum:

1) Food cravings. Nothing too drastic like durian milkshake or such, but when I want to eat something, I WANT to eat something. I will scream and kick about it. At least just a little.

2) Mood swings. I don't get too extreme with my emotions (thank God), but I can get quite easily upset or angry. In short, my fuse is just shorter than before. Which is quite bad, because my fuse has never been quite long. Heh. Poor hubs.

3) Strange sleep cycle. I will wake at 5.30am no matter what time it was that I went to bed. That's why I'm up and about now. I will eat, then get sleepy again around 10am. Then I will wake again by 2pm to eat. Then sleep. Then up by 9pm again. Food and some TV. Then to bed by latest 2am. The cycle repeats.

4) Morning sickness. It used to be worse before I found out I was pregnant. These few days, the nausea has been barely irritating, so I guess I am quite lucky.

5) Bigger boobs. And nipples and areola too. They turned into a darker shade of brown too. Yuck. I think they're ugly. Hubs think they're nice. I've always preferred pink nipples though I've never had them. But dark brown?! Please... I hope they'll change back once I've given birth.

6) Tender boobs. Apparently a lot of changes occur in your boobs. So now hubs has got to be really gentle with them.

7) Occasional cramps/pain. Similar to menstrual cramps, but these last only for a few minutes and is common for pregnant ladies. It is caused by the cervix growing to accomodate the baby.

Ok. So there you have it. I'll definitely be getting more funky pregnancy symptoms down the next few months, and I'll be putting them down here for sure so when my kid grows up, he/she can come here and read all about how I felt carrying him/her. Then if they think it was real hard work, I can coerce them into getting better grades and being more well-behaved. Heh. Scheming mother...