Monday, May 09, 2005

on 9th May '05 to see Straits Times screw up

Feathers will fly.

Straits Times actually published My Miyagi's blog URL as in an article featuring Tomorrow.Sg when it is actually Wah lau... Like that how can?!

Don't believe me?? Read the scanned article that Mr Brown posted up on his Flickr. READ CAREFULLY.

If Straits Times can screw up, my blog also can screw up. Heh. Next time can just anyhow type and then don't check spelling and then don't use punctuation and then just keep saying "and then" and then don't need to backspace if i type something wrong and then also dont care of things that should be caps arent caps. heh.

Feeling sleepy and not making sense anymore... *yawn* Time for preggy mummy's nap time! Later still got pedicure appointment at 6.30pm... *yawn slobber slurp*