Wednesday, March 09, 2005

morning surprise!!

How nice is it to wake up to a handsome guy, hugs and kisses, and a BIG stalk of lilies??

Very nice indeed. It's like waking up to a dream!

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I tried to find out what lilies those are, but does anyone have any idea how many types of lilies there are?!? I'm going crazy just surfing page after page of pretty pretty lilies.

The flowers look like they're dying already... I feel sad... SIGH. It's always a love-hate relationship with flowers. So pretty til they make you want to own them, but yet once you start to love them, they start to die... Why?? Why?!?!?

Anyways, thank you sweets!! Thank you for waking up bloody early just to walk out and buy them flowers for me. Everybody say "Awwwwww... You lucky bitch!"

My room is STILL in a complete mess. I'm too addicted to sleeping and internet to start displaying out my clothes in the closet. Too many clothes, too little determination...