Saturday, September 17, 2005


为了证明我是纯种华人, 今天我就用华文来写作。惊讶吧?原来我也会国语。。。 虽然我从早到晚都是用英语说个不停, 但其实我的华文水准可是很不错地哟!

(Translation: To prove that I am pure Chinese, I shall use Mandarin to write today. Amazed? I actually know Mandarin... Although I talk non-stop in English from dawn to dusk, my standard of Mandarin isn't all that bad!)
见着最近蚊子多得不得了, 让我吟首诗赠给大家∶
夜来pik piak 声, 蚊子死多少。

I can be such a lame ass... hahaha... Please don't ask me to translate that. In any case, when it's no fun when it doesn't rhyme.

--- --- ---

Well, it's been a long boring night doing the annual Moon-admiring, kids causing chaos, and utter landscape ruining festivities. Long gone are the times when families gather round munching on delicate mooncakes, admiring the sheer beauty of nature and its many wonders.

Nowadays, Mooncake Festival signifies the time for kids to run amok and burn every blade of green grass by lighting candles, throwing sparklers and setting random pieces of paper on fire. Excited giggles and incessant chattering filled the nearby park where my family and our long-time neighbours got together. It was almost unbearable with all the noise and smoke. Every 5 seconds, we would hear the unmistakable sound of sparklers going "eeeewwwwwww". They almost sound like miniature fireworks, but naturally, they were nowhere as grand.

I bet the park would be littered with wax bits and used sparklers, lighters and matches. Not to mention piles of burnt paper. Singapore is a beautiful garden city, alright. And all of us are conscientious countrymen. My ass.

In any case, enjoy the moon at its fullest (supposedly), and share it with a loved one. Best if you get married and have babies chop-chop. (Ignore my sarcasm towards our local government for tonight, but I cannot seem to repress it. The authorities may not be fab, but at least the country is beautiful and safe. All this is partially their work afterall.)

Pictures to be updated at a later time, as I am now back in my dad's place and this computer has no Bluetooth.