Friday, February 04, 2005

Bollocks to you!

It is SOOOO lame to tell me that you will be held up tomorrow for my ROM when I have already entended the invitation to you in fucking NOVEMBER!

Ya, your grandfather celebrating 80th birthday? Well, he's might be lucky enough to do it again next year for 81st, but if I hold another wedding again next year, it'll be UNLUCKY! Don't tell me your father told you last minute. You guys have a communication breakdown. Don't make me the victim of it all.

And oh, your fucking band can't practise any other time then Saturday evening? FUCK YOU! I may not love God as much as you do, but I know my union in holy matrimony is MORE important than your weekly Sunday worships. C'mon man! You can fucking do it every week!!!

Ok. I may seem a little biased here, but ok, you're working on Saturday from 10am to 10pm. Yeah, I know you just started work. So don't come then. It's ok. But I just think that your best friend would feel very weird there without you. Well, bloody fuck. He might not even come anymore! But hell, he's not important. You are!

Hmmm... Ohh... Your friends are not free? Oh. Boyfriend needs to attend a funeral in MALAYSIA and girlfriend is going to Shanghai. And I thought they were all excited and shocked that YOU, the swinging bachelor, is getting married?

Oh well. Bollocks to them. And anyone else who will play me out, Fuck you!