Saturday, April 23, 2005

pretty, dirty things

Hubs and I dropped by Siam Supper Club for a beer and apparently they secretly renovated the place!! Man, it's so nice now with all the comfy lounge chairs and revamped sitting area and mini stage. It's definitely more spacious than before and the bigger bar counter ensures that everyone is able to squeeze themselves through to get their drinks.

Entry to Siam is free, so just dress up nice and walk in to take a look! =)

I was randomly blog-browsing and came across a few sexy local blogs. They seem quite well received from the numbers that reflect from their counters... Makes me wonder if I should start "talking dirty" here. Nope, not to increase the number of visitors, but if that's what people want to read, I'd like to try and entertain!! I'm not a particularly shy girl anyway. =p But if I do, it'll be sexy, not pornographic with graphic details of every grope and moan...

What do you guys think?