Friday, January 07, 2005

Terrific Thursday!

So much happened yesterday. Take some patience to read through this. Or just skip it. See if I care. ;p

I got my nose pierced! Didn't hurt except for that split second when the stud pierced through the thick flesh of my nostril... Never really thought a nose piercing would look good on me. Somehow still don't think so.

But hubby says it'll look good on me, and that he had thought so ever since the first time we met. So there. I pierced my nose for you. Hope we beat even now, since you got your nipple pierced for me. (And I'm so in lust with that particular piercing of yours!!)

"Seed of Chucky". Lame as can be. Yet it brought me and my hubby so much closer together.

Rushing from Serangoon home to Balestier cinema, parking the car, buying tickets and drinks, and settling down in a short span of 15 minutes proved to be possible. Harhar... So much fun just going cuckoo running up and down while sneaking kisses whenever we can. The worst thing we tried to do was to run up an escalator made for going down!! Harharhar... Fortunately the cinema staff shouted for us and directed us to the escalator moving in the right direction.

Lots of sexual innuedos and movie spoofs in "Seed of Chucky". Funny as hell. Bloody like fuck. But then again, if it was not so, it wouldn't be classified as a Chucky film would it?

What this film did to bond us together as a couple, no other film has done before... (Not that we watch a lot of movies together anyways.) More movie dates at the same place, my sweet??

Shaking up Siam on a Thursday night. Ladies night, no less. The most amazing bunch ever assembled together for the sake of a party, we consisted of 6 members. Me and hubby, Grace and Brandon, Richard and Patrick.

Siam was FULL HOUSE! Had to wait in queue for awhile, but it was all worth it for all that dancing and free booze! Partied on til close to 2am then got some snacks at 7-11 to fill up our tummies. Then it was ta-ta Mohamed Sultan, helloooo sexy hubby in bed!! ;p