Wednesday, December 08, 2004

New look to blog. Again.

Some problems came up during the last blog makeover.

1) Somehow the archives could not be displayed... Ended up even the latest entries could not be displayed. What the hell... So I selected a whole new template, and spent more hours adding in the links and shit. Let's see now if anyone notices the additions. I put in one MAJOR addition...

2) Stupid Flickr Zeitgeist wouldn't spin the pictures around like it used to. Re-pasted the html code. Still gets stuck there. Sigh. Never count on free stuff to look cool. Guess it's quite stuck there for good. Might change the badge. Still deciding. Or rather, still hoping that it would start working and win me some "ohhs" and "ahhs"...

Thus, the conculsion is to leave the bloody template alone. Slight changes of colours are cool. Just gotta know exactly where to change them... Wonder if Blogger would sue me for fucking around with the templates???