Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Blog has a new look!

Harharhar... Lazy arse syndrome wore off for awhile. Long enough for me to fit in some new stuff on this boring black & white blog page. Got in this cool photo frame thingy from Flickr. God knows how to read "Zeitgeist", but just as long as it looks good, I don't give too much of a damn. Fortunately I don't have a thing against Germans, if not I think I'd probably not put it up cos it just sounds soooo German... =p

Put up some links too. Link to my Friendster account so anyone can add me to their friend list. Link to my free PhotoBlog account too. Now still fiddling with my Flickr account, trying to upload pictures onto my blog by email uploading... *SIGH*

Meanwhile, you can still ogle at the pictures on Flickr Zeitgeist! Enjoy!