Friday, October 08, 2004

Time is a luxury

Time is a luxury some people may not have.
Do not waste the ticking seconds bearing grudges.
Do not mope over something that you could have done better but did not.
Think before you make any moves.
But do not take too long, because time is a wasting.
Try not to have any regrets in life.
No one forces anyone else to make the decisions that they do.
YOU are the one with that power.
Use this power wisely.
What you think may be something that only concerns you,
May end up involving others too.
If in doubt, never feel ashamed to ask for advice.
Friends should not look down on you if you seek help.
If they do, then they are not true.
Live everyday as if it's the last.
In the event that any unforseen tragedy happens,
there would be no regrets.
So with that said and understood,
go do all that you have always wanted to do.
Work towards all your goals.
If you do not have any at the moment,
it is never too late to start now.
Time. Treasure it.