Sunday, October 03, 2004

Great Sunday!

It's been some time since I've had a happy day out. Last one I could remember was waaay before my mother passed away. Today, fortunately, was such a happy day.

I received my first gift from my angel. A pair of headphones. I've been wanting headphones for some time but just never ever knew which model to get... He was sweet enough to go to Sim Lim at noon at start scouting for them and then presented them to me during lunch. At the moment I was just too shocked at this surprise gift that I could only look down at my meal and grin at his move. First time in a very long while that I was that surprised and embarrassed. Don't ask me why I was embarrassed. I just was. =p

Right now I am waiting for my angel's response to my proposition of being a couple. Butterflies fluttering in my stomach. Haven't had that for centuries. My angel brings out all the emotions that I thought I had lost a long time ago. He is one very very special man to me. I never had stage fright or per-exam jitters, so the butterflies in tummy feeling is something unfamiliar to me.

Might do in another entry in a while with regards to my angel's response. It's make it or break it night. Let's cross my fingers and pray hard that it's "make it"...