Friday, September 24, 2004

Lessons in Life

There are many times in life when one fails to succeed. Be it in a relationship or a career, the feeling is never good to know that you were unsuccessful. You may have put in a lot of time, effort and money. You may have given up plenty of other things on life just so that you could do your best. When it comes to a point where you know that no amount of further hard work will make it work, just let it go.

With regards to relationships, sometimes we were just meant to go through the heartache so that we can learn and grow. It hurts. It really does. But at least we loved to our hearts' content when it lasted. We have the memories of the most beautiful love ever. Some of those around us may never ever have had that feeling. We have. So we should just console ourselves with the fact that we were lucky in love at that time. Take time to ponder on what went wrong in the relationship. Learn the lessons. You will become a better person. That is why maturity usually comes with age. Those more elderly have made more mistakes and learnt their lessons through their years on Earth. One day we shall all get there. Meanwhile there is much more to learn and do while we're alive than to just sit around moping over lost love.

In the business world, many have worked hard to carve out their career. They start their own businesses. However, due to certain circumstances, it winds up. No worries. The lesson learnt here is that you have the expertise to start a business. You are experienced. It hurts to see your sweat and blood go down the drain. But hey, you did it once, you can always do it again. Just rejoice that all the previous hard work put in worked and the business was once flourishing. You have the talent. Cheer up. Many others do not have the talent and perseverance to start and run a business. Collect all the negative feelings and start planning on your next business venture! Time waits for no man. Do not waste all those precious minutes on answering your own "What if" questions. It is all too late to turn it back. What you can do now is to start a new chapter in your life. Who knows? This chapter could be more colourful than the last.

When dealing with anything in life, one must always have hope. We should all look on the bright side of things and give our best shot. However, when you know that things are at a constant with no chances of revival, be practical. Let go. Negative feelings will emerge. We are all but human. Learn the lessons from it. Become a better person. As long as we are still breathing, we still have another chance at making things right the next time round. And trust me. That time will come. Good things come to those to wait.