Monday, March 06, 2006

everything looks familiar?

If you've been a reading my blog since last year, you would have seen this blog template before. Yes, I'm "recycling" it.

I've been forced by circumstances to use this simple template because some funny advertising thing hacked into my previous purple template and corrupted my beautiful blogpage.

If you're not one of those who saw the damage, this is what it looked like:

blog hacked

So now I have re-used my old template, because it will definitely be up faster than if I choose a new template and upload all the images and fonts and insert all the HTML into my Blogger Template and align it all out nicely and check that it's easy on the readers' eyes and add in my links, Fizbox, Flickr and then FINALLY republish my whole blog to complete the template change process. *deep breath in*

OK. So bear with this template while I continue to source for a nice template that suits my blog. If all else fails, I'll at least make a new banner ok?