Tuesday, September 27, 2005

the last day of unemployment

I think I almost make it sound like it's a good thing. Or bad thing. Seriously, I can't define whether being employed starting on 28th is good or bad, I only know I will get paid for sitting in an air-conditioned office and doing something. That's all I'm looking forward to. The money. It's materialistic, but true.

I've decided to get a tragus piercing, and I'll probably get it tomorrow or something. And at the same time, I am reconsidering getting my nose pierced again. But first, I must check out the situation in my new workplace. If it's highly conservative (which also means my supervisor will most definitely be anal) then I guess I would have to shelf the idea for now...

I'm crossing my fingers and hoping that I will be allowed to wear casual attire to work. Think sandals, bohemian skirts and jeans on Fridays. That would be very nice indeed.

Well, good luck to me and my new employment status. Say NO to anal managers!