Monday, September 26, 2005

BIGGER fonts and BIGGER headaches

So the verdict is out. This is the BEST font size to use. But don't you guys know that you can adjust the font size of your webpages??

For those who maintain their blogs through Blogger, this font size is "Normal Size", but when I'm typing it in, it is HUGE. Just a short post will leave me scrolling up and down the post editor and that shits me so. *sigh* But to be the nice blogger to allow you guys to keep your eyesight, I shall keep to this size. (Tell me I'm not nice, and I'll wring your neck.)

The next thing that weighs in BIGGER than this dumb font size, is the fact that Hubs and I have finally decided on the wall structures of our place. It took us more than 6 hours to come up with it, simply because the change in one room will affect the size of another and so on. Bleah. I hate it when one thing affects everything else, but that's just life isn't it? Everything affects everything else.

Tonight we'll probably be heading down to the tiny flat with the renovator again, so if I'm feeling un-lazy, I'll snap some pictures of the current state of the place, and let you guys see it. It'll be like the "Before Makeover" kind of pictures, then 2 months later, VOILA! We'll have the beautiful "After Makeover" flat.

Just to keep the suspense going, we're going to industralise most parts of the place. Think concrete, metal, glass, wood. In short, warehouse. Then we can feel free to throw junk around the place cos it's a warehouse look anyway. How convenient!