Monday, February 06, 2006

for days that start out wrong

Remember your eventual goals and dreams, instead of focusing on the anger and pain.
Remind yourselves why you were even here to begin with.
Refrain from making harsh statements out of a fit of anger.
Restrain any violent tendencies, no matter how strong. Likewise, help restrain your partner.
Repeatedly vocalise the love and concern to calm each other down.
Resolve the issue instead of mindlessly letting anger lead the way into unconstructive heated arguments.
Reassure yourself and your partner that no matter what happens, the love will not change.
Rekindle the relationship by doing something enjoyable together and being extra nice to each other for the rest of the day.

Slightly 2 hours after the last second of our FIRST wedding anniversary. May there be more years to celebrate in love and happiness. No matter what happens to us in the near or distant future,