Friday, December 02, 2005

the smell of death in the air

Has the third dimension gone into overdrive recently? The Sandman has not been working his magic equally amongst us, and the Grim Reaper has been claiming lives away.

Just yesterday, Hubs was telling me about how his workday was shortened because his client's mum had passed away. He was glad in a way, as he could then make it home early to spend time with Jr and me, but in a darker sense, there was some sort of uneasiness that he felt whenever he knew of anybody passing on.

It didn't have to be anyone he knew. Death simply darkens his mood and knits his brows.

We all know that it is a eventual phase that we all have to go through one day, like birth, sickness, aging and the other uncontrollable and unexplainable elements of life. Some view the "end" with fear and anxiety, some think nothing of it as there is nothing we can do about it anyway.

But my reaction to Hubs was simply this: "For every one that passes on, one more joins this world. Our baby shall be the one to take the empty place."

And that is how the world is. One to take over the other. Like the rising tide hitting the shore after the last one has died down.

Today came the news of a blogger's lost battle with a rare blood disorder. The blogging world shall be solemnly grieving for La Ider's departure from this world. Rest in peace.